Inspiring fitness lovers to have their cupcake and eat it too!

Tag Archives: RICE

Good Morning!

First of all, Don’t forget to Check out my WOD Addiction Giveaway that I have going until Friday!  You could win a free shirt of your choice!

Now it’s time for WIAW– This will be a round up of food I ate on Monday and Tuesday.

What I Ate Wednesday GOES GREEN

Thanks Jenn for hosting 🙂


On Monday I had a day off and I was so psyched to go to Crossfit and work on my back squats!  Then I woke up with throbbing foot pain and realized I couldn’t really walk!  BUMMER.

I ate breakfast contemplating on whether I could go to a later class during the day.  I did some meal prepping which included baking some Healthy Blueberry Muffin Bakes.  I substituted blackberries and strawberries this time and left out the oat bran! I also used my new stevia drops instead of maple syrup…yum.  So I enjoyed one for breakfast with some almond butter!

fav breakfast

Repurposed Photo

So I sat around all day working on RICEing:  Rest – Ice- Compression – Elevation.  Although I really needed an ace bandage and didn’t have one.   I learned RICE in  nursing school, lol Smile


My dogs keep me busy so It was hard to actually rest.  My sweet husband came home from work early though to help me around the house.  He did ALL the laundry!  What a great guy!

This little girl was close by all day though:


And I did try to get a little sweat in: If you know me, I can’t just sit around!

My Lazy Day Workout:

lazy day workout

Lunch On Monday:

I threw together a bunch of random goodies.  Chicken breast, grape tomatoes, 1/2 of an avocado, hard boiled egg, and topped it with grated Asiago cheese.  YUM.  I also had a pear.


Snack:  Later in the afternoon I had some homemade trail mix.


Dinner:  Skillet Sweet Potato Hash – with Ground Turkey

I also added some avocado Smile  I definitely got all my healthy fats in today!



2 Chocolate Rice Cakes with Almond Butter, so good!

rice cakes


So Tuesday Morning rolled around and I still couldn’t walk right.  I woke up at 4 am with throbbing foot pain so I scooted down the stairs on my butt, yes on my butt, to get to the ibuprofen!  Since my foot wasn’t getting any better I decided to go to the Emergency Department.

First I ate breakfast:  Egg sandwich with laughing cow cinnamon cream cheese on two Van’s waffles. Best Breakfast EVER!  Also some fruit.


bf collage

Then I headed out.  This time I was the patient, and not the nurse. It’s weird to be on the other side.  My wonderful mom went with me.

I got an xray of my foot which showed nothing.  They said it might be a small stress fracture and to rest/ice/weight bare as much as possible.  I took this as “it’s ok to go to crossfit as long as I do stuff that doesn’t hurt my foot” lol.  I was started on an anti-inflammatory and Ill probably just ice it as much as possible.  If it still hurts in a week I am going to follow up with an orthopedic.  Hopefully it gets better before then or I will go CRAZY.

When I got home I made Lunch:

Leftover Sweet Potato Hash (which I really only ate the meat out of ).  I wasn’t in the mood for the other stuff.   I also had some veggies with Bolthaus Farms yogurt ranch.  This stuff is the bomb.



And a couple handfuls of Homemade Trail Mix:



PB Protein Mug Muffin – I used a whole scoop of vanilla protein powder and 1 tbsp almond butter instead of peanut butter.  It was delicious!

mug muffin

After my snack, I started to hobble around some.  I needed to burn a little bit of a sweat so this is what I did:

cf at home

I did the push ups on my knees so I didn’t put a whole lot of pressure on my foot.

**  Since my foot injury, I haven’t got to crossfit in 2 days which makes me sad 😦  Today I am hobbling a little bit better so I am going to try to go workout- even if it’s only my upper body.

I am supposed to bear weight as much as possible but not to the point where it hurts more.  If I do anything that hurts the foot I am supposed to stop.

Here is a great article for Injury Work-Arounds.

Also Did you know that Turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits!?!

Have you ever had an injury? What was your secret?